
Phone: (415) 759-2811

Community & Inclusivity


Our school’s success comes from its dedicated principal, teachers, staff and families who have fostered an active and engaged PTA.  We collaborate to provide a thriving academic environment to encourage joyful learning, as well as implement additional programs to enhance and support a well-rounded education.  

A popular African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”, rings true to our PTA in that our whole community plays a vital role in the growth and development of its younger generation.

Alongside parents and family members, our broader community also shares the responsibility of assuring higher quality education for all students. Be involved today to make a difference and show how much you care!

The Francis Scott Key PTA is a part of the Second District of California PTA, which covers San Francisco. The PTA is administered by a board of elected and appointed officers. Along with various PTA committees, they manage the business of the PTAs including ongoing initiatives as well as specific events throughout the year. All of these programs are made possible through volunteer efforts by the many families of the school  as well as donations from families and community organizations.

Our FSK PTA Board is a group of parents, our Principal and a Teacher Liaison who are volunteering their time to lead our FSK PTA and support our school community.  Together, the Board helps make sure our community’s voices are heard.   If you would like to join our PTA and/or have any questions for our PTA Board,  please send an email to: .   We love hearing from our community!


We’re always happy to hear from you!  Here are a few ways to share your ideas.

    • Join the PTA and attend our PTA General Meetings monthly (virtual or in-person). Don’t be afraid to ask questions or make suggestions, just be respectful of others.
    • Stop a member of the PTA Board  on the sidewalk or school yard and have a chat.